Online Dog Training


Online Dog Training

Milan’s Online Coaching program has helped many dog owners overcome their daily struggles and challenges.
Our 24/7 access feature allows those who have a busy schedule to check in when is convenient for them and their dog, helping them stay organised and on track for progress.
Every dog can be happy, well-behaved, and obedient! By working with Milan, you can look forward to an improvement in your dog’s behaviour and a stronger bond between you and your dog.

Online Training Includes:

Online Training Support

Support At Your Fingertips
  • 1 x 30 Minute Zoom Call
  • 30 Days Training
  • Unlimited WhatsApp Support
  • Daily Conversations to ensure your dog is on track
  • Unlimited videos for daily feedback
  • Milan coaches you using his step-by-step approach so you and your dog can easily progress
  • Video assessments allow us to spot mistakes early on and prevent them from repeating

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Making the world a better place, one paw at a time


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